About the author

Hello I am Manas Pandya. If you have reached this page, you probably took interest in me and my thoughts, (no pun intended), So I thank thee f’r yond.

First of all the background: I am a Bachelor’s student at IIT Madras Zanzibar campus. I take a great interest in learning AI and pursue with great interest in it’s applications in robotics.

Apart from academics, I take time to learn number theory (by which I mean I am more-than-regular viewer of Math YouTube channels – Numberphile mostly)

Having spend many years in piano training, I am currently also practicing guitar and a bit of singing.

I also run, and that’s to say I run away from sports. Indoor sports are my thing. And outdoor ones…well while playing outdoor sports I am mostly out-standing 😐
I play chess and carrom amongst few others. Oh I also build card houses.

Reading lightens me. I read many genres of fiction, from science fiction to fantasy to horror to comical.
I enjoy reading non-fiction in the motivational category, especially what I call the ‘scientific pushers’; wherein the author uses various notions of human nature, behavior, and ecology to explain, to ‘push’ the reader to be better.

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